Monday, September 20, 2010

Family and golf!

Hello again,

Keith's just returned from a good trip to Addis, next stop will be Kosova!
Bridgie returns to Manchester today, all packed up and ready but I thought you must see her latest acquisition...
Tim's been doing an amazing job of tidying the garden, we've borrowed a shredder and it's fun to use and what a difference! No 'proper' job in prospect for him yet - travelling is appealing at the moment!
We hear from Phil fairly frequently, the teaching remains very hard but he's really enjoying the social life and looks very well - he's on Skype :-).
The garden has produced a bumper crop of rasps...
about this many every day for the last month! I've jammed, frozen ,eaten and given away so many :-) Sweetcorn and potatoes are yummy at the moment, and i'm planting up the leeks.
I've played lots of golf and enjoyed the Club Championships over the weekend. I was playing alongside Beth who is just 12! She plays beautifully and we played together both days (one round each day - different hole positions). She played beautifully the first day and was really anxious overnight and hadn't slept, so Sunday was much harder for her. We managed to keep her going even through a few tears and she won! She is a sweet soul, it was lovely to play with her and encourage her. Thought you'd like to see us with our prizes!
U Tim and I are walking again next month, Plymouth to Exmouth, so look out for more pics etc at the end of October.


  1. Hurrah for all the doings amongst the Bowers. Tell Bridgie to be careful in those shoes; she'll need a parachute if she falls off. And well done with the golf - you chose your partner well!

    Our garden is showing signs of Spring, but only wintery things like kale and brocolli (broccoli? I think so) to harvest. But the peas and beans have their heads above ground. I should post something.

  2. Good to have an up date, those raspberries looked delicious. You could always send Tim south to work our garden! We even have our own muncher.
    Those shoes - instruments of torture or lethal weapon? Take care Bridgie.

    love to you all


  3. My partner?
    No, Beth and I were competing against each other!!! I was happy to come second tho :-)
    I'll tell Tim about your garden!

  4. Hello Ruthie!
    Jac was drooling over your raspberries this morning!
    Well done on your golfing triumph, (what a sweetie for being so supportive of your competitor!) Are you clutching the second place getters trophy? And is it a sherry decanter???? (Will come in handy for all that sherry you drink!) Maybe you could put flowers in it? Gosh I'm a bit silly, Marty has been sleeping so well at night that I think I'm now the reverse of over tired . . . guess that's well rested?
    Much love

  5. I can report that I wore the shoes (read: "instruments of death") on Monday and noone was hurt :)

    (apart from my innocent right heel that is)

    Bridgie xx

  6. Anonymous Meriel said
    Wash it Bridgie. Mum might want to borrow those shoes once she is back from her walks.
    She'll be the envy of the golf club.
