Tuesday, October 26, 2010

She's back!

Well hello!
I'm back from the walk... we made it all the way to Weymouth (bar a stone's throw!) about 150 miles altogether. We did much more than we'd planned and it was great. We had superb weather yet again. I'm just sorting through the photos in readiness to post! Feeling a little weary but it was a great walk and I can see why people love it... however, my first love is still the wild Cornish coast!


  1. How does she do it?

    Is that The End?

    We are very impressed.

  2. Anonymous Meriel
    Replies to Big A
    1. "She" does it with a lot of backpack training. 2. Don't think it is the end, another one to go. 3 I too am impressed and envious.
