Wednesday, August 19, 2020

More fog!

 More fog!

The week progressed through fog and building work! Not mine this time.

   The house in front of mine has had a fence constructed along one side... I so hope they don't put one all along  their back wall too... a low one would be sensible to give them some privacy but please not a high one!

We also had days of fog and damp... but one glorious day!
It was a proper summer day!

The family are all keeping well, Bridgie had fun on a climbing wall on Sunday and the boys have been away for the weekend by the sea.
Keith has been playing some cricket and was sweltering in the hot weather - glad of the shade in his garden across the road or under trees on his walks.

I woke up Monday morning and decided to finally pack away the ancient computer in the corner... and to move my bed!

There was dust to deal with but the room now feels more spacious... and I can still see the sea from the bed!

Plus it's tidy for once!!

We have had a couple of lovely sunsets... 

Today (Wednesday) I pop back up to Helston for the follow up eye test. It seems to have settled down ok.

The next few days are damp and very windy so I'll be battening down the hatches when I get home... although it would be good to  get all dressed up in the rain gear and see some stormy seas... hopefully without visitors.

There seem to be too many here... it does not make for ease of mind. 


  1. Bed looks good that way round. Is the cupboard in the corner shallow?

  2. Yes it is... and tends to be a bit damp....
