Thursday, March 26, 2020

Day 3

26th March
Day 3 of the lock-down dawned like the previous two but a little clearer!

We were in for another beautiful day.

I decided to go early for my daily exercise... a walk down Cot Valley and set off about 8am. 
The air was beautifully clear and the birds were chirruping happily.

Steep path I walked the other day
 I saw one lady walking down the path on the other side of the valley but she was the only one until I got back into St Just about 9am when I came across several dog walkers.

The big cliff fall

It was glorious and very peaceful.

I had ordered some vegetables from Claire in Stones and went down to collect it mid morning. 
Claire is doing an amazing job keeping us all supplied but I don't know if they will be able to keep going for long. It's difficult.

 We had a lovely family chat on Zoom... although Phil has had to have a Covid 19 test cos he'd spent time on Sunday with a friend who (unbeknown to both of them) had it. He was contacted through the S Korean monitoring system and had a test on Tuesday - the result came today and he was very relieved that he was clear. He still has to remain isolated and has constant checks as part of the follow up. Korea certainly are committed to remaining on top of the problem.

Bridgie is feeling exhausted so is watching to see if anything develops ...we have fingers crossed.

Ben from the Dog and Rabbit is concerned that he might have it as he's been very unwell for several days. No tests available for us here though!
I saw and spoke to Ben for a while on Tuesday so I shall keep an eye on myself too!
I started a new jigsaw this afternoon...

and that was evening of the third day.


  1. "The evening of the third day" This may take more than a week, you know....
