Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Strange Day

A New Day

Last night the government announced a national emergency as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.

I didn't ever expect to see this country grind to a halt... but it has... and it has needed to. 
The threat to health is very real.

So, today is the first day of the official lock-down although a lot of us have curtailed our social interactions massively already, this is a final step.

Sunrise this morning.
With compulsory home time I decided to jot down stuff from time to time. It was lovely this morning to have the sun rising on the north side of the terrace - it is a sign of warmer and longer days.
The night temperatures have been cold so there was a thickish fog this morning and it took a while for the sun to burn it off... but burn it off it did. Since then it has been total sun blue skies and sunshine. 
For months and months we have awful weather and been unable to play golf,  then this week we have several beautiful days together  and we still can't play!

However, I am not complaining - it is so heartwarming to see the sunshine.

We are allowed to go out for provisions and some exercise, so I walked down to Stones this morning to pick up an order I put in yesterday for my usual bottle of milk and eggs with a few veg.

Claire has had to close the shop itself so I picked it up from the door, she is hoping to keep supplying her usual customers but we shall have to see. It is very hard for them and was especially so yesterday as a lot of visitors were around.

The last two days have been beautiful and I took early walks both days to make the most of it while we could as we could see a tighter shutdown coming.
On Sunday I walked down the Tregeseal Valley where there were encouraging signs of spring.

Looking down the valley
 The sun shone for most of the time although it clouded over for the return journey.
Cape was so clearly defined in the early morning light.
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Blue pool
 Locals swim in the Blue Pool which is visible at low tide... I've not been in there yet... but maybe this summer?
I love the old mine workings.

Cloud bank above the Carn on the way home.
It was a really lovely walk.

 Yesterday I was able to go down the Cot Valley for a similar moment of peace.
The sky was cloudless and it was beautifully quiet. 

 The low tide laid bare the rocks and even sand in places.
Longships framed by the rocks
 I sat for a while by the far headland and enjoyed the quiet. I saw two people while I was out on the path.

I walked home on a different path going almost straight up the other side of the valley and then to walk up the road to St Just.
The path is very steep and at one point there are steps going up the side of a wall... they are rather far apart and I only just made it up!

A flat bit of the path

 It is lovely to keep in touch with everyone - what a blessing whatsapp and the internet is in these circumstances!

And tonight's sunset. 


  1. Well! Look who's here! You never told us.

    Funnily enough I found this because I was dusting off The Traveling Bears, with a view to doing a few retrospective trips.

  2. I've only just seen your comment!
    Good idea... I look forward to reading them.
