Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter weekend

Easter Weekend

I like the colours and shapes of this view from my south facing window, especially with the early morning sun.

 I had a couple of walks up on to the Carn today and was talking to a neighbour Colin. He does all the flowers for The Commercial and is always on the go...he asked if I'd seen the primroses at the cemetery and I hadn't so I added an extra walk!

They were breathtaking! I have never so many in one place...it is like a sea of primroses!

Rural scene on the way home
The Cemetery is just up the road, turn right as if to go to Land's end and it's just there on the left. It was a beautiful sight.

Easter Sunday had another beautiful sunrise.

And we had a family zoom...it seems I was doing a star wars impression at this point and Tim had just got his camera working after it being intermittent or broken for 20 minutes!

My walk up the Carn resulted in this pretty array.

These little expeditions try to balance the distress I feel, especially when things like this are the BBC headline after over 950 people have died... I'm glad Boris survived but... what are the media doing?

I had to go out for a very long walk in the early evening despite the unusual air pollution recorded in Cornwall over the last couple of days. 

It was as still as still, absolutely beautiful.

It helped me decide to be careful how much news I watch and have decided I will not watch the daily broadcast from the government... 

Monday was another beautiful day although now with a wind. The sea is such a beautiful colour on days like this. 

Our Coop, which was supposed to be closed as it's being refurbished and made bigger, is remaining open so I popped down for some needed milk and, inspired by Jeannie, I bought some bacon to make an eggy-bakey pie!

It is tasty... but not good for the waistline which is getting bigger by the week.

A final thought... as of 13th April... 

Korea: population 51.6 million   have had 217 deaths
England: population 55.9 million have reported 10,261 deaths in hospital (there are thousands of others)

and no-one can even apologise to the nurses for not providing enough personal protection equipment in time.

I hope wherever you are, you are in a better position than the UK.

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