Friday, April 24, 2020

Thursday 23rd April


The warmest and most summer-like day of the year, no wind, just more blue sky and sunshine!
Today I decided not to have a long walk. Having hung up the washing (one piece at a time from the machine to give me exercise 😂 ) I whipped up some bleachy water and scrubbed the white chairs... they were green with garden growth so it took a while!

It was a very warm day and the sun was strong enough to burn.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The bird table jigsaw is coming along - I was surprised by how difficult it was to do the thatch part and even the birds, so the green takes a lot of focus! It's good!  

Thursday's at 8pm we all come out of our doors to clap for the NHS and support workers of all types and tonight the sun was looking spectacular.

If you look closely you can just see the chimney on top of Cape Cornwall in the pathway that the sun has drawn.

It was beautiful.

At last our government has decided that trace, test and isolate is a good idea...although they have the gall to say that now, because we're 'flattening the curve', it's the right time to do it - why wasn't it 'right' from the beginning when there was no curve?

Putting it into practice and speaking truth about any difficulties met will now be key but I am hoping it is well delivered and successful.

I feel conflicted when clapping for the carers...I  do want to show how much I value them and their work and courage every day, so I clap loudly... but I am infuriated too especially when I see members of government speaking about how much they value the NHS... when they have underfunded the NHS for years and who voted against pay rises for them in the past! Give them decent pay if you value them and give them the equipment that they need!
And tell the truth!

However, soap box put away, ... the first steps have been taken with test, trace, isolate, more than a month late but a beginning, fingers crossed. 

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