Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Day 4

Friday 4th Day
In the evening after I had posted yesterday's blog we had a 'Clap' to support the NHS. It was at 8pm and on the dot I opened my front door to stand and clap in the dark. 
There was the sound of applause and bells and drums drifting up from the town and along the terrace. I found it very moving and by the time I sat back down on my settee I was in a flood of tears. I know I wasn't alone in feeling like that. It was almost as if we'd all been holding our breath and had collectively heaved a huge sigh. 
What courageous people our NHS workers are, all power to them. I keep waiting for our over-paid 'stars' to start evening up the imbalance.

So to today... 

I woke up really early, about 5am! It meant I saw the beautiful sunrise :-)
I made a mug of tea and had a chocolate biscuit... picked up my phone and read a lovely email from Phil explaining the S Korean approach to the crisis. 
I thin skipped through some twitter comments to find another lady who shared my early morning and was also admitting to tea and chocolate biscuit!
It made me smile. 
I had decided to stay in for the next few days so didn't have a coast walk today, although it was tempting at 6am.
So I spent my day chatting on the phone, reading and more soduko! 
Oh... And eating! 

It is great to have contact with folk via WhatsApp or email, it is cheering especially after a day like today when 181 have died in the UK today and dear Italy have lost over 900 souls, it is heartbreaking. 
Slight moon visible top left. 

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