Tuesday, January 13, 2009


The light was amazing with sun and hail showers sweeping through... it was a fantastic day!
I loved the way the sun came through the trees...


  1. Ruthie, these photos are gorgeous!

  2. Ruthie,I'm going against all my usual rules and posting on a blog! Mostly to say how much I love your photos. It looks and sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Bring on Cornwall, I say!
    Love you

  3. O these photos are just fabulous Ruth I commend your exemplary photography work. When can I expect more photos of this caliber? I can hardly wait....

    Much Love

    Sir Timothy Bowers of Cornwall-land

  4. I wish you'd learn to spell, Sir Tim!

    ... and since when are you Sir Tim of Cornwall-land ... I thought it was Sir Tim of Bedford-land
    ... ?
