Thursday, July 30, 2020

21st to 30 July

21st to 30th July


Ah...blogger has changed...(it's been warning me for ages!) it will take a while to adjust I guess! Took me ages to find the button to add a new post! And I can't add photos direct from my phone from here (laptop)...(Ha!! Yes I can!) anyway just a quick post to say hi.

I'm sitting in bed with my morning cup of tea - how different things are now... the amount of traffic on the road has returned to a pre-lockdown amount and the beautiful quiet has gone. There are so many folk in St Just, I feel more concerned now than I have for quite a while and quite expecting there to be a rise of cases.

The family are all well, Bridgie has had a resurgence of extreme tiredness which hits her every now and then... the doctors think it may be 'long covid' as they believe she probably had it in March. She had a test last week but it was negative... (which they expected) it would be interesting if she could have an antibody test but they are not available for general public. She's fine at the moment and is keeping a record of when it hits... and if connected to anything like a long run or similar.

I've been playing lots of golf... I've eaten my first runner beans from the garden - they are last year's plants that successfully grew again this year. Yum!

Leanne and Andy have invested in a couple of these! Hypedomes? Socially distanced group dining...night sky watching... lots of potential... hoping they will withstand our weather!

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