Friday, March 12, 2021



I have just completed our 2021 census... and very happy to say that Cornish is an acceptable option at last!

So proudly able to write it in the box!


Time for bubbly perhaps.

Wednesday was a misty murky day with quite a thick mist up in St Just but as I ventured into the valley it was clearer. It was very atmospheric. 

The tide was fairly low,

but lots of sand this side.

More sand than I've seen before.

I chose the steep path home - haven't been on it for a while and it doesn't get easier. 

These steps are so steep I had to balance very carefully!

There are lovely signs of spring though

Early yesterday I went down to Cape as there were big waves forecast.

The photos don't do them justice of course, most about 8-10' tall with the odd one about 14'

I managed to avoid the heavy shower which hit just after I got home!

Our Covid rates are now down to 12/100,000 which is good (49 nationally) so things are improving.

Someone asked me what I was looking forward to the most, other than having the family here, it is going to Ben and Rosie's cafe The Dog and Rabbit, for their wonderful company and breakfast! Can't wait.

And yes Jeannie - that Secret Garden would make a wonderful project - I'd love to be a part of it.


  1. Are other regional areas also on the census? Eg Yorkshire. Glad your Covid rates are going down. We have had over 300 days with no community transmission. The benefits of having a drawbridge!

  2. In 2014 Cornish was recognized as a national minority (like Welsh or Scots) but there is no tick box on the have to tick Other and then Cornish is an acceptable option. Apparently Tim put Cornish on his last census (as did many others) but it wasn't officially recognised. This time they are going to be counted xx
