Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Bridgie's birthday

Bridgie's Birthday

Friday... I woke up in the night/ early morning to find a host (66) of messages on Whatsapp on the Aussie/UK cousins link... and what a delightful time it was looking and reading through!

When I eventually went back to sleep I was smiling to myself!

Here are a couple of the pictures Jeannie and Jo shared... some I don't remember seeing!

This one (right) was taken not long after we had moved to Pavenham, and was taken in front of the lovely house that was covered with white roses.

We are all looking a little anxious!

 I love this! Tim's face!!! All so very happy with Hugh.

and then a much earlier one of Jo and I paddling in Seychelles at the Hoi Tin I think?

They were great memories and I loved all the banter that went with it... 

We had a lovely time with a family Zoom and then Bridgie was going off for a picnic in Richmond Park and a Zoom meet up with friends in the evening.
Bridgie had lots of flowers and cards and pressies  - a 30th birthday in Lockdown!

All day I could hear the sound of the waves, roaring and rumbling so in the evening I went for a walk to see what they were like.

They were huge!
At least 15 to 20 feet and very organised though it doesn't look like it in the picture below. 
Beautiful sets of waves were rolling in.

My walk coincided with high tide and it was spectacular.

Over the other side of the Cape it was just as beautiful...with the added extra of the grinding rumble of the boulders being moved on the sea bed.
I tried to catch the sound on the video but the noise of the wind was too loud

The bluebells are still giving a haze of colour too... 

and the foxgloves are glorious.

It was a very special sea... on a special birthday!

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