Thursday, May 7, 2020

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday dawned cloudy windy and still cold compared to the rest of the UK! The wind was what gave the chill.
I had a quick walk down to the co-op but was indoors the rest of the day although by late afternoon the sun had at last arrived in West Penwith. 
During the afternoon I received a delivery! 
I thought it might be fun... 
And it is!!!

I can't play the piano properly but it is fun to tinker... I have some decent headphones coming too which will help. 
At the moment I use little ones that I find very uncomfortable. 

Sunshine again!!!
I went out about 9.15 I tending to pick up a chicken from the butchers but had forgotten it now opens at 10, so I walked back home coming across these beautiful specimens en route! 
 After lunch I walked down to Cape... It was like a summer's day!

 It was glorious.
I came back via Carn Gloose and across the fields passing the gunera on the way!
 And then, of course, it's the Thursday clap for NHS and carers... And our neighbour Colin did a special walk by!

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