Monday, April 20, 2020

16th - 19th April

Thursday 16th April

I lose track of which day it is! Thursday began with the sun rising further round again, I do enjoy it when the sun shines in my  north-facing bedroom window and it's been doing that for a few weeks now and setting similarly. 

The mist rolled in later, although it didn't stay all day.

My walk up to the Carn was cheered by these...

 but the sky was dramatic.

Tigger and Percy the penguin are sitting in my windows ready for the children to spot - they go on bear hunts to encourage their daily walks!

Not that we've needed much encouragement as the weather has been really lovely for so long.

Friday 17th

I woke up early today so I could take a 70th birthday parcel to Lyn who lives on the other side of the Carn.
Of course it was raining!!! The first time in a month (!) but fortunately it stopped as I set off.   This was a present her best friend in Penzance wanted to give her, so to avoid any non-essential travel I bought the required items and delivered them!                                                                    "Deliveruthie"!
Apparently she was very happy!

Walking back up the Carn from the delivery side!

I then spent time up in the loft hunting out old pictures of the family, this was one of their favourites!

Saturday 18th was a mostly at home day (I know that's now the normal but you know what I mean - no long walk!)

I completed the jigsaw - it is beautiful. When you're closely hunting for pieces and matching the shapes you lose the striking nature of the overall picture...  it has been a difficult and really lovely one to do.

I do enjoy watching the old Agatha Christies on the tv and often curl up on the settee with one on

My walk out was only a quick one up to enjoy the primroses again...

It had been dull most of the day but occasionally there were pockets of sunshine.

View to Chapel Carn Brea

Sunday 19th
I decided it was time for another proper stretch of legs so I set off for Cape just before 8.30am. 

It was overcast with  brisk wind - I needed a hat at first but it wasn't cold.
I saw no-one as I walked down to the shops and on down the road to Cape.

As I walked down the steep road to Priest's cove I heard a whimbrel and a moment later it flew overhead, flying north. It proved to be a good day for birds!

Little egret - just left of middle

I walked out on to the headland an sat on the side of the cliff watching the sea. A little egret was on the rocks and gannets out to sea. 
Still absolutely no-one around.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      After a while I decided to head home - I had a little debate with myself and decided I should return via the top of Cape itself so clambered up the steep path - stopping to take a picture was a useful excuse to catch a breather!
I did need to catch my breath a couple of times... !

Standing on the top it was glorious - a bit breezy and I needed my hat, but suddenly I was watching about 6 swallows diving around the headland!
It was a real treat - I'd heard that swallows were back but hadn't spotted any - and had actually forgotten about them when suddenly they were there!
What a treat.

On the way back down it was getting brighter and warmer - and even more birds to see with wheatears!
By the time I got home it was just after 10 and time for a shower, coffee and breakfast.
It had been a lovely walk - the first people I saw were when I was on the way back just before I got to St Just itself... when there were several all heading out for walks.
 I was glad I had got mine in early - it had been so good.

I'd bought a turkey and ham pie from McFaddens yesterday (along with a couple of scotch eggs!) so I cooked that for my tea and gave half to Andrew next door.

The sunset was lovely.

Absolutely beautiful.

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